Frequently asked questions
Chiropractic is based on the concept that the human body can function optimally given that there is no interference to the nervous system.
Chiropractors are trained to identify shifts in the spine that can interfere with the nervous system. Chiropractors can use diagnostic imaging and standardised examinations to locate the structural shifts. The structural shifts in the spine can cause secondary symptoms such as neck pain, back pain, headaches, and extremities pain and so on. Once the chiropractor has identified structural shifts in the spine, chiropractors can correct them through gentle and specific techniques called High velocity low amplitude (HVLA) adjustments.
No human body is structurally perfect, however there is a normal range.
In the same manner, we can understand what a fever is because we know what a normal temperature is, or what constitutes high blood pressure because we are aware of the normal range.
Normal range is defined in almost everywehre. including gauges and warning indicators on the dashboard of your car, letting you know when things are abnormal.
As chiropractors, we are looking for a significant shift of the spine away from normal function.
At Willeton chiropractic we focus on structural and neurological restoration of your spine. NeuroStructural correction is very specific and this allows maximum correction of your spine structure and therefore improves your neurological function.
We compare diagnostic images pre and post Neurostructural correction to verify the body is properly aligned and the nervous system is functioning properly. By correcting the structural shifts in the spine, we relieve pressure on the disc and nerves that are causing your specific secondary conditions.
In our clinic, we have seen people who are only looking for temporary relief or a short term answer for their secondary conditions. There’s nothing wrong with this. There are many other health professionals around in our community that can provide that type of service. We are happy to direct you to the ones we trust.
We find that those people looking for a long term solution to their problem or seek to prevent future ailments find that our practice fits well in accomplishing those goals.
Chiropractic adjustment is an evidence based, safe and gentle care to realign the spine and reduce secondary symptoms.
Traditional chiropractic care focuses on improving function such as reducing pain, increasing range of motion, reducing muscle spams and so on. Currently most of chiropractors practice in this way and achieves great results. However this approach still is symptom based care, or what we can call “band-aid” care.
At Willetton Chiropractic, our approach is Neuro-Structural Correction. For example, if the foundation of a house is damaged or off, then house won’t be stable. Floors would creak, walls will crack and windows to not close properly.
We could repair all the damage, however same problems will appear again in the future. Then we would have to repair..fix…repair..fix..endlessly. Eventually the house will be irreversibly damaged.
Spine can be considered as a foundation of your body. Our Neuro-structural correction approach looks for the underlying structural shifts in your spine, which is causing your foundation to be off.
In the vast majority of cases I have worked in the past, epsecially the ones I have received referrals from other chiropractors or medical doctors in the area, had a significant Structural Shift. The Structural Shifts over time manifests into “symptoms”- or what we refer to as secondary conditions.
At Willetton chiropractic, we focus on treating the underyling NeuroStructural shifts that is the cause of your secondary conditions.
Rather than constantly treating symptoms, we treat the underlying Neuro-Structural Shifts and help you achieve normal Structure and normal Neurological Function.
Our services are not for everyone. However, if you are tired of constantly patching the problem and you are looking for a long term solution that you can both feel and see for yourself, then Willeton Chiropractic might be the right place for you.

In chiropractic, spinal structural shift refers to how much has the spine deviated from the normal range. Normal standards are established in everywhere. Normal range for spinal alignment can also be defined. For example, we can understand what a fever is be cause we understand the normal body temperature range. Another example would be high blood pressure. By understanding normal blood pressure range, we can define high blood pressure range.
At Willetton Chiropractic, we examine the spine in three dimensions. We identify the structural shift in your spine relative to normal structure. For example, If the head and shoulder shifts out of normal spinal structure, it causes shoulders to twist and hips to shift out causing entire spine to deviate away from normal alignment,
These structural shifts can cause muscle spasm, liganment deformity and disrupts the nerves originating from the spinal cord. Nerves act as the communication system for your brain to your body. If Nerves are affected, your body can also be affected.
The structural shift is usually the primary condition, that give rises to secondary condition. Sturctural shift is commonly known as Subluxation.
Secondary conditions are symptoms that appear as a result of chronic structural shift in the spine. Structural shift exerts pressure on spinal nerves and the spinal cord. Once the nerves are damaged, structures innervated by that nerve gets affected. This results in secondary symptoms. For example if the nerve to the neck muscles are pinched, then you get weaker neck muscles and eventually neck pain.
The reason we call these symptoms as “Secondary Symptopms” is because they are Primarily due to Structural shift. Depending on the location of the Structural Shift, different nerves are affected, and therefore different body parts are affected.
Some examples of Secondary Symptoms include:
Back pain
Neck pain
Digestive conditions such as reflux
Degenerative issues
Lowered immunity
Golfer’s elbow
Muscle tension
Posture-related Issues
Sinus conditions
Vision issues
Wrist pain
Spinal Decay
Sinus Conditions
and many more.